Double Ball Flail
Retail $209.95  Sale Price - $179 - You Save $30.95 (15% OFF)

This perfect partner to our #2605 medieval flail is incredible. Own a true museum quality medieval flail with two spiked balls. The styling of this flail is based on actual items found in "digs" under and around castles of Europe. This hand-crafted flail masterpiece features two blackened steel balls with spikes over 1 inch long. The balls are attached to a blackened chains which are linked inside a hand-wrought blackened steel bar. The wrought iron bar of this medieval weapon flail is secured to a seared wood handle and has an overall extended length of over 3 feet!


Double Ball Flail
Model #2601
Retail Price: $209.95
Sale Price: $179 - You Save $30.95 (15% OFF)

Ritter Steel
Ritter Steel Swords




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