You are here: Weapons > Swords > Marto Swords > Samurai Swords > Movie Swords > Xena Swords > M-HI030

Gabrielle Katana
The Licensed Reproduction from the TV Show!

Xena, a mighty warrior and healer, once led a band of outlaws that terrorized all of Greece. She has come to regret the harm she caused and, with her companion Gabrielle, now travels the countryside seeking adventure and fighting the forces of evil.

With the Universal Studios Licensing Inc., Marto has created, in Toledo Spain, the katana of the warrior Princess called Xena.

Hand-rendered from the fiery master forges at Marto, it choreographs a flawless dance of beauty and danger reflective of Gabrielle's stature and grit. The hand-polished stainless steel blade -- unmistakable among the world's most heralded swords -- follows the classic tapered lines and gem-cut styling of the ancient katana.

The subtlety of the weapon's flourishes and adornments enlarge their impact. Hand-carved detail on the pewter-style medallion cross follows through at the scabbard end to maintain unity. A blue as striking as Xena's eyes bring a light touch to the diamond weave wrap on the handle and matching braid work at mid-scabbard. Measures 38 1/2"

Gabrielle Katana
Model #M-HI030
Retail Price: $485.95
Sale Price: $413 - You Save $72.95 (15% OFF)








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